Common fixes include resetting Roku properly, resetting your Netflix & Roku features a very specific way (which I’ll be diving further into), reinstalling Netflix on Roku, restarting router & modem, and much more.
To fix Netflix not working on Roku, install the latest update, then turn the autodetect feature under system settings to 1080p and back to Auto detect. Next, unplug your Roku for 10 seconds and wait 2 minutes to turn it back on.
I’ll be diving into the specifics as well as how exactly these fixes relate to Netflix not loading on Roku & Roku TV. I’ll also be covering exactly why your Netflix stopped working on Roku and exactly how to fix this.
Related: 17 Best budget Tablets for Netflix
By following this guide you’ll be back and watching Netflix on Roku device or your Roku TV in no time.
Also see: Every Roku problem solved (Useful for anyone with a Roku)
Related: Need Netflix to work right this minute on Roku? You can see how to watch Netflix from a Roku web browser as a last resort alternative.
Short on time?
If you’re short on time… you can skip this guide and see How to watch any movie or show that exists in less than 10 minutes
Determine why Netflix is not Working on Roku
Netflix may not be working for a number of reasons. These Netflix on Roku problems you’re having are much more common than you’d think.
- It may just be that Netflix isn’t loading on Roku. If Netflix is stuck at the initial loading black screen on Roku then you’ll want to try the Auto-detect fix located further in this guide
- If Netflix stopped working on Roku and you can indeed get past the initial Netflix black screen. Then you’ll want to implement all the fixes you see in this guide before considering an upgrade.
If you’re Netflix isn’t working on Roku TV, or it just won’t play or open the Netflix app on your Roku streaming player, then the following steps have a 100% success rate according to our audience we surveyed:
- Create New Roku Account
- Factory reset Roku
- Sign in on the new account
- Now you can watch Netflix
If you don’t want to go to the extended measures above and just want Netflix to work again, then try the less time consuming methods the rest of this post outlines.
Related: Roku stopped working (solutions)
In rare cases, no matter what you try Netflix may end up just not work on Roku. How do you fix this?
You can either wait for the next Roku upgrade or upgrade from Roku to Firestick. I personally switched from Roku to Firestick and I’m really so glad I did. It instantly solved the majority of my streaming problems and I was ready for the upgrade.
In most cases, the following will work wonders and an upgrade may not be needed. If everything fails make absolutely sure to check the FAQ at the end of this guide. There should not be any costs or Roku charges involved.
1. Netflix not working on Roku: Install the latest Roku update
Streaming services and devices such as Netflix and Roku all need to be in sync regarding software and programming. Updates can occur nearly every single day.
When Roku is not working it’s very possible that you have a Roku software update due. It’s often that your Roku’s automatic update just hasn’t caught up yet. This oftentimes happens when you go on vacation and haven’t turned on your Roku and watched Netflix in a while.
Related: Roku private channel codes stopped working
Most Roku’s update on their own every 1-2 days. You’ll want to check and run a Roku Manual update anyway. This will give you all the requirements Roku needs to make Netflix work again (unless the issue lies elsewhere, which I’ll explore further in this post)
Simple run a quick Roku Update, which will allow Netflix and Roku to sync properly:
- Locate the settings menu at the bottom of the home screen.
- Select option: “System”.
- Proceed to System update and confirming to continue updating.
- Restart and check Netflix on Roku
Important: Whether you need an update or not you’ll still need to completely restart your Roku to allow the Netflix fix to take effect.
Related: Get Terrarium on Roku: Load and install Terrarium TV on Roku
2. Restart Roku (correctly)
The most overlooked solution to fixing a Netflix that has stopped working on Roku is by correctly restarting the device. A friend of mine couldn’t get Netflix to work on Roku as he was restarting his Roku incorrectly (he was quickly turning it off and then on).
Netflix has confirmed a correct restart (a full 10 seconds completely turned off) to be one of the top working methods to make Netflix work on Roku. Here’s the proof.
Whether Netflix is not working on Roku 2, Roku 3, Roku Ultra, or express, you’ll want to completely unplug your Roku for a full 10 seconds, then turn it back on. This is a must before trying the remaining fixes in this guide.
If this doesn’t solve your issue, then you’ll want to turn auto-detect off on Roku next. This is a commonly overlooked solution and has helped many make Netflix work again on Roku.
3. Reinstall Netflix on Roku
A common fix is to simply uninstall and reinstall Netflix on Roku. If you don’t care about your current Roku settings I would advise you to completely reset Roku. This will also work on Roku TVs.
This can solve a large number of problems that may have been mixed up when Roku overwrites data through software updates.
This is my personal opinion and I found this works wonders. It’s oftentimes the first thing I would do since it rules out something I’ve done or not (ie. changing and messing with settings).
Here’s how to make Netflix on Roku work again through reinstalling:
- On Roku, locate to the Home menu (home button).
- Highlight the Netflix app icon on Roku.
- Hit the ‘Star button’ on remote, then select options.
- Confirm Remove channel option.
- Reinstall Netflix through the Channel store.
- Check that Netflix is now working on Roku!
If Netflix is still not working on Roku it might be time to try turning off the auto-detect feature. If you’re hesitating to reinstall in fear of losing any app data, then you may want to try this following auto-detect feature fix first
Related: See the Best TCL Roku TV Remote Replacements for Roku Tvs, but for a Roku Stick or Roku streaming player view our post on the Best Roku Stick Remote Replacements.
4. Turn off the Neflix Auto detect on Roku
Many Roku users whose netflix stopped working on Roku have implemented the following autodetect switching fix. This feature is found under system settings and is used to have your Roku and TV sync video resolution properly.
This basically means that you can switch the Roku autodetect feature, off then back on to get Netflix to start working again.
Here are the proper steps to make Netflix work on Roku by turning off Auto detect:
- Update Roku software by going to settings.
- Select system, then system update
- Restart Roku and go back to system settings
- Locate system settings again, then switch the “display type” option “Auto Detect” to “1080p”.
- Confirm, restart Roku and then switch the display type option back to Autodetect.
This is the most commonly overlooked fix for Netflix not working on Roku!
Related: See 12 Creepy things to Never Ask Alexa (This is scary)
As you can see, you’ll need to run a system update as mentioned earlier to have this Netflix on Roku “fix” work properly (displayed above). Even if Roku says you’re updated you should run the manual update anyway, then restart your Roku.
If this does not get Netflix working on Roku, then its time to restart both your modem and router.
5. Restart Modem and router (or connect by ethernet)
Sometimes Netflix keeps buffering or doesn’t load at all. When Netflix stops loading on Roku you’ll want to restart your internet a very specific way.
Even if you have a super fast, reliable internet connection it’s very likely your device and internet can still secretly be the issue. How? Well, 9 times out of 10 there are many hidden issues such as IP address conflicts and small errors that build up when both a router and modem doesn’t get reset…
You’ll have to do a full reboot to see these results (and it’s actually quite simple).
- Completely unplug your modem and router for 3 minutes.
- Turn your modem on and wait 3 minutes
- Turn your router on next, and wait 3 minutes.
- When the internet connection becomes active, boot Roku.
Launch netflix successfully!
When Netflix keeps buffering on Roku, many attempt this fix incorrectly by turning off their router for only 30 seconds and ignoring a modem reset. (Then, when nothing is fixed they claim “Netflix on Roku doesn’t work”).
Related: See how to connect Roku to Bluetooth speakers or headphones
5. Make a necessary upgrade
I tried everything in this guide. Nothing is working
For most, the fixes in this guide will work wonders. However, there have been several reports by customers that Netflix keeps not working on Roku on and off no matter what…
Many experts claim the Netflix channel is not programmed correctly on Roku. This is an increasingly common claim by many gurus’s that inhabit the streaming device industry.
Related: How to Fix Xfinity streaming app not working on Roku
If you try every fix listed here and you’re still stuck, then you can do what I personally did (see below).
I migrated from Roku to Firestick. I’m so glad I impulsively made this purchase as it truly did solve all my streaming problems. Roku is just too far behind Firestick.
FAQ: Netflix still not working?
Netflix is still not working. What should I do?
If you have reset and done everything outlined in this guide, then you have the option of waiting 2-3 days and seeing if an update fixes Netflix not working on Roku. If you do decide to do this, make sure you implement all the troubleshooting over again.
Netflix is still not loading. Should I buy a new device?
If the device is a Firestick, yes. However, I wouldn’t personally recommend buying another Roku as they all seem to have recurring Netflix issues. Even 30 minutes of Netflix being down could ruin your day after work. An inexpensive Firestick from Amazon could instantly solve all your streaming issues (it did for me)
You’ll also want to go over all the available information on how long your Roku & Roku TV should last before you decide to replace the device.
Netflix stopped working. Should I wait a day or two?
If you’ve done everything outlined in this guide and you don’t want to upgrade to a Firestick. Then, yes… waiting 2-3 days for the next update could return Netflix back to working again.
Are there additional ways to make Netflix work on Roku again?
The only thing left for you to do is either swap to a Firestick as I know Netflix works flawlessly on it.
Alternatively, you can also talk to Netflix support, Roku support, or even your ISP. I’ve done this personally for you in this guide and explained in detail their fixes (so you don’t have to). However, things and solutions could change over time and may be worth a go.
Typically Netflix will give you the best support. It’s reported Roku support is simply not as knowledgeable on the topic.
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When Netflix is not working, it could be due to the loading or stopping of a Roku’s software update, A Roku settings feature (as mentioned) or a hidden internet connection obstacle that stops Netflix from loading on Roku.
In this guide, I explained how to reset Roku for each of these obstacles you may face. Each reset is tailored to different situations. Whether you have Roku 3, Roku Ultra, Roku TV (or any Roku really) you’ll need to attempt each fix patiently to get Roku to work on Netflix again.
If all else fails you can always do what I did: Migrate from Roku to Firestick or get any movie or TV show that exists by using the native Plex app as a personal streaming service on Roku (Best Netflix alternative).
Everybody I personally know chooses to use this unreal alternative (yup, even when they have a working Netflix on Roku already).